Kate sent me some article about a woman who was going to marry a rollercoaster. So, I joked that it better not be legal because it was a slippery slope… and loop… And corkscrew…

This is how comic strips are born.

I honestly don’t understand how anyone could fall in love with a rollercoaster.  It disgusts me.  Tilt-a-whirl rides are so much more attractive.  I’m getting a bit aroused just thinking about ’em.

If YOU were to marry an amusement park ride, what would it be?  Leave your answer in the comments section!

John Vogel white

And speaking of roller coasters, check out this related comic where Luna get’s to go to Santa’s Village!…

Santa's Village

↓ Transcript
This is crazy!... Some woman fell in love with a rollercoaster!
Now she's gonna marry it! Can people do that?
I hope not. Cuz it's a slippery slope...
And loop...
And corkscrew...