TODAY’S COMIC: “Bughazi”

I had this idea of mashing Clinton’s Benghazi incident and her old “3AM” ad together in a bug-world parody,  but there was too much info.  Too much text to read, it muddied the joke, I wasn’t sure how many people would remember that ad, and who bug-bombs their house at 3AM?

Gotta keep it as simple as possible.  So I left the “3AM” part out and hoped that people might get it in sub-text. Did it work?  You decide.



I’ve taken this week off to spend with my family.  My phone was blowin’ up with all these awesome pics of them having fun without me – specifically my daughter – and I felt like I was missing out on a summer I couldn’t get back.

So far this week we’ve been to a carnival, Six Flags, back yard with a kiddie pool, a lake, Chuck E. Cheese, Home Depot ( Luna liked that place ), and the week is only half over!

I’m glad I’m taking this time off and getting lots of pics and video.  Luna’s been a champ.  She’s riding big kid rides, braving fireworks, and growin’ up fast!



This weekend I uploaded 4 more comics for my $1+ patrons to see weeks before the rest of the world.  I also uploaded 8 pencils of the upcoming 8 comics for my $2+ Patrons.  Click here to check ’em out!


Have a nice weekend

– John